
投稿者:通りすがりの方   投稿日:2015年 6月16日(火)16時39分54秒     通報


Soka Gakkai has once before had to deal with staking a position related to international peacekeeping efforts.  At the time of the Gulf War, although Komeito was then in the opposition, it nonetheless supported the decision for Japan to make a multi-billion dollar contribution.

Harada explained, with a laugh, that Soka Gakkai (SGI) leaders had explained to the rank-and-file that there were SGI believers in the U.S. Armed Forces, and that some U.S. warships had Buddhist alters for SGI worship services, a fact that persuaded most to drop their opposition to aiding the United States.  In the same way the Women’s Bureau and others were convinced of the need to make an international contribution during the Gulf War, today’s Soka Gakkai leadership will be able to win over doubters within its ranks, Harada predicted.